"What a day" There was a song released by Whitney Houston several years ago that said; "Give me one moment in time. When I'm more than I thought I could be." I've never really listened to or particularly enjoyed her music before, but after last Saturday this song now has a very special place in my heart........Because I experienced it. Over the last couple of months I've had the pleasure of watching Sylvia and Maura train for the Flying Pig. It was so inspirational and thrilling to be able to watch my beautiful "sister from another mother" mold my precious eternal best friend, and companion into a powerful, healthy, ambitious woman ready to take on anything life could throw at her. This picture shows one of those moments in time. I will not forget the pride that swelled in my chest as I stood and watched these two beautiful women jog towards me on one of our final training sessions prior to the Pig. Then came the big morning. It was a great morning, filled with fun and anticipation as the team gathered for the beginning of the 10k event and the performance by "The Three 10ers."

They were so primed and ready for their event as we all said our goodbyes, good lucks, and shared some hugs before sending them to their starting grid for a special treat. A pre-race stretch with Denise Austin. It was so wonderful to see how well these women did in their event. All three finished very respectably with Maura and Mikayla smashing their previous personal bests and Maura's sister-in -law Rhonda setting the bar very high for a long, promising racing career. ( she is a very experienced runner, but this was her first race.) Then came the sad part of the day when we went to the finish "swine" for the end of their event. Due to some weird rule change on the part of the event organizers we found the finish line area completely fenced off from spectators.
Because of this rule change, I was unable to go to the starting line again, so I said my goodbyes and good lucks with just one other special request. With a tear in my eye I said to Maura just one thing, " Take care of her for me." With that I made my way back to our car for a bite of lunch and to wait for the 5k participants to reach the finish swine. I went back out later and found myself a good viewing spot as close to the finish as I could get. It was not to long before I was treated to a beautiful sight, that one moment in time that made the entire day in a word, glorious. Up the road came my sweetheart, and my dear sister from another mother, dressed a like and both had just beaming smiles as they jogged side by side towards the finish line, well ahead of Sylvia's previous best finish.

Sylvia went into this event with one basic goal in mind, finish in less than an hour eclipsing her previous best time of 1:02 set at last year's Run for the Nuns. I cheered wildly as these two beautiful ladies went past me towards the finish swine. It was then that it came, the one moment in time that overwhelmed me with total joy and will be in my memory forever. As I watched towards the finish line I suddenly saw both Sylvia and Maura's hands shoot upward in celebration as they crossed the finish line with the official time clock showing 58:03. They had done it! My happiness was overwhelming. I couldn't help but repeating to myself "They did it, dog gonnit they did it" as the tears flowed freely down my cheeks. Not only is my team, Pink Princess Racing truly my new racing heroes, but it re affirmed my resolve to be on the road with them in 2010. In my 46 years, I've never known the level of love and friendship that I know now.
(Bloggers note; after the adjusted time compensating for the time between when the race started and when Sylvia and Maura actually crossed the starting line was released, their time is now posted at an awsome 55:43. WAY TO GO LADIES.)
P2R, I love you.
2009 is going to be Beyawsome