Tuesday, December 16, 2008

FOR SALE BY GOVE er oh OWNER, yeah thats it OWNER

For Sale, one genuine, U.S.Senate seat representing the state of confusion, uh I mean Illinois. Previous owner moving out of state for the next four years. (at least I hope it's just for the next 4 years,) so must sell. Seat hardly used and in like new condition. No experience necessary to purchase. If you are Democra, uh I mean, INTERESTED, call The Illinois State House at, 1 (800) CRO OKED, ask for Rod


Leslie said...

Ha, ha, ha! Hmmmm. Scary.

Papa D said...

Spot-on, my friend - unfortunately.

Mama D said...

Ha! What a creative way to blog about this unfortunate situation!

"Smile, God loves you."

"Smile, God loves you."