Sunday, January 10, 2010

Real Leadership

Have any of you ever thought how this life would be if we had no leaders? No one to inspire, or motivate us. Thank goodness life is not like that. We all have leaders, don't we. People like our modern day or scriptural prophets, and the General Authorities. Maybe our local church leaders. Captains of industry, sports stars, military hero's, or even fictional leaders like Yoda or Captain Kirk inspire us to be better than we thought we could be. Personally, I regard common people who stage enormous, courageous efforts everyday in pursuit of lofty goals and dreams are some of the most inspirational leaders I will ever know. To this end I want to talk about a leader who has done so much for my wife and I that "thank you" just doesn't cover how I feel. She has strengthened our marriage by giving my wife and I goals and dreams for the future. Her motivation propelled my wife and I into accomplishing goals that not long ago either of us would have comprehended doing, and continues this day to inspire us to even greater goals for our future. I will be forever grateful to this leader for being my escort and support during my first 5k when Sylvia couldn't because of her first foot surgery, or stay with me at the hospital during her second surgery. You all have probably figured out by now that the leader I want to salute and give a shout out to is the team captain of Pink Princess Racing, and our very dear friend and "sister" Maura Prince. Her raw determination to accomplish her extremely lofty goal of running a half marathon is in a word, INCREDIBLE. Her example of leadership to us in our teams is very inspirational, and I can't wait to witness that glorious, life changing moment when we wildly welcome her back after she crosses the finish line on that day. It is going to be a great day indeed Other notable events for that weekend will be:
. Sylvia's first 5k since recovering from foot surgery.
. my first Flying Pig 5k and second ever 5k event. ( this time I'm going with Sylvia and can't wait to finally finish a 5k along side her.)
. and the main event, Maura and Mikayla Prince's first ever half marathon.
Sylvia and I joke that all this is Maura's "fault, but Sylvia and I couldn't be happier that the truly God given blessing that is Pink Princess and Silver Knight racing has become such a huge part of our lives. And we have one very special friend to thank for it. The original Pink Princess, Maura. I finished the Turkey Trot in 1 hour 15 minutes. My goal for the Pig is 1:05. I know I can do it. We have a great example to follow. Lastly, I want to wish the teams the very best of luck at this years Pig, especially Maura and Mikayla in the half marathon.



Pampered Princess said...

Well. I'm speechless...Thanks bro! You are a doll! You and Sylvia motivate and inspire me day after day! We are all in this together! You will do great at the Flying Pig 5K. And I'm happy to share this insanity with you!

Patty said...

Glad to see you haven't completely given up on the ol' blog! Isn't Maura amazing??! I look around all the time and am inspired and blessed by the "leaders" that surround me!

"Smile, God loves you."

"Smile, God loves you."