Thursday, November 1, 2007


(Bloggers note: I hope that this confession doesn't harm my friends impression of me, but I was a rebellious kid. (GASP)
The following was copied by me when I was just 14 years old.
My friends, I give you now:
"The Battle Hymn of The Teenager.")

I'm Just a kid named Eric who has parents who are square.
I like my music loud, and its getting in their hair.
They're giving me a hard time 'cause my music's not like theirs.
They'll never understand.
Glory, glory to our teen-age
They'd like to keep me in the child-stage
Glory, glory to our teen-age.
When will they understand?
(Bloggers post-note, The Man of Steel leg will accept no responsibility for any teen uprisings as a result of this posting.)


chelle said...

HAHAHA Eric. I can piture you doing this exact thing! lol I love it!

ANTSYLLI said...

No this rebellion thing does not surprise me. I thought if we ever had any children that turned out rebellious it would be due to your misdeeds of youth...definately not mine. I guess I was spared the suffering...thank goodness!

Patty said...

Way too funny!! Maybe you should post a recording of you singing it...

Papa D said...

I would like to register my opposition to Patty's comment. *grin*

Mama D said...

Eric, this made me laugh! Thanks for sharing your talent for writing music! :]

Pampered Princess said...

There is NO WAY I am ever allowing my children to read this POST!!! How dare you sow the seeds of insurrection? Don't you know I suffer enough without your rebel spirit entering my home????? :( :( :(

(This song sounds best when sung loudly and with great gusto. But, don't tell Eric!)

"Smile, God loves you."

"Smile, God loves you."